The Naked Man

He was back home after hard day's work. He had just disembarked the public bus. His mood was out of control. However, daily routine won't let him be free so he is hurrying back home trying to settle him down or clam himself.
He is about five minutes away from his home. His eye encounters a man without a simple piece cloth on his body. He means he is bare naked. The naked man is alien without a clothe breaking the rule of society where everyone should wearing clothe. Everyone observes the naked man with widest eyes possible. Some even threatens him to wear clothe, but he doesn't. He neither responses aggressively nor passively. The naked man has no concern over the people. Some even kicks him. Not enough other one gives a harder punch. Still the naked man doesn't response instead he fumbles with his own penis. Far on the main road a man with best tuxedo that he had ever seen stops his glittering car and watches the naked man with a great satisfaction as if he released from prison of his tuxedo. Ladies tries to keep themselves away from the naked man but peeps from the corner of their eyes. As soon as the ladies reaches the corner where they feel that they are out of other's sight they starts gossiping and smiling. Ladies ain't discontent encountering the naked man, they reaches their home with brighter smile, though the naked man breaks the rule of society where everyone should wear clothe.
Milan Gurung (Freeman)