A moment of ecstasy…

Do him an ice-cream! He is confused with the sentence. He thought it must be either; give him an ice-cream or make for him an ice-cream... But it wasn't a long lasting confusion because the situation and place was able to break the confusion. It was brothel house. He now knew what "ICECREAM" metaphorically depicted and what the real action of verb “DO” was.
He went into the room with the thirst he had preserved it for so long, but however he wasn't in haste to quench it because he knew the pleasure of quenching the long awaited thirst. He wanted to keep the pleasure as long as possible. He laid down on the bed silence with calm and ecstasy. She pulled off her pant and shirt, which didn't have color in the darkness. He slowly played with her well grown breasts. She pulled off his pant, then his shirt, then his underwear, then his vest and now he was completely without clothes, but he wasn't concerned about it.
She slowly caressed his private part with her soft fingers, then with soft lips, then with soft tongue... She pulled his pubic hair but there was less pain and more ecstasy. Her soft lips, soft tongue, soft fingers moved toward his groin, then toward his bare thigh, then toward his bare loin, then toward his bare chest... Her tongue touched and hid like an albatross in the sea. He moaned, he gasped... ahh... ahh... uhmm... ahh...ahh...uhm... He was flying, he was melting, he was energized, he was lazy, he was sweating... She moved right and left, up and down, clockwise and anti-clockwise... She was crying, she was moaning, she was gasping, she was unconscious, she was conscious... ahhhhhhh..... Ahhhhhhh.....uhmmm... She bit her lips, she sucked her thumbs... She pulled off her bra and threw aside and pulled his hand toward her breast. He played more like a child’s balloon. She moved quicker, faster... more quicker, more faster... ahhhhh..... Ahhhh....uhmmm.... He caressed her hair it was smooth and soft as silk... It got more quicker, more faster.... Then suddenly she fell on his chest plain, calm, silence, dead.... Her hair spread all over his chest.
Milan Gurung (Freeman)
damn that was deeper then pamala andersons pussy!!! forreal!! wow i really love your poetry its fucking awesome
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