He is awakened by alarm. He feels hard to wakeup. He hushes the alarm. He had thought of quitting smoking so he didn’t buy any last night. But he can’t stop his addiction so he searches for leftover butts of last night in astray. The butt doesn’t give him not more than three puffs. Languidly he wraps towel around his waist and languidly he moves toward bathroom. He looks in the mirror and talks to the reflection. What is the meaning of life? Meaningless is meaning of life. He shows his middle finger to the reflection. Freshened himself by morning wash he gets back to the room. He kicks his brother sleeping dead. His own way of waking him. He pours a glass of hot water and again lit another butt. He then drank and smokes together. His young old brother wakes up hesitantly only with underwear in his body. Ithyphallic. As his brother moves out he stays in lotus position and starts meditation… He bears wing and fly, he thaws… He feels Buddha.
One and half hour left before he leaves home. Wants to utilize this one and half hour. He reads James Joyce’s “ULYSSES”. He doesn’t understand anything, but he doesn’t want to move his eye anyway from it. He is stuck to the book. It’s 8:30 his digital wrist watch beeps. He is reminded to dress up. He is dressed up. Languidly he reaches his workplace. He is businessperson no more an artist. He doesn’t like business, but he likes the money. Eight long hours passes with greatest difficulty…
He reaches his home at 6:00. His life is without girl. He loves have one. He watches x rated movies. Fulfills his sensual desire. He is cloyed. He reads philosophical book, psychedelic novels… He is mad. Their face tells him, but not with word.
Milan Gurung (Freeman)
One and half hour left before he leaves home. Wants to utilize this one and half hour. He reads James Joyce’s “ULYSSES”. He doesn’t understand anything, but he doesn’t want to move his eye anyway from it. He is stuck to the book. It’s 8:30 his digital wrist watch beeps. He is reminded to dress up. He is dressed up. Languidly he reaches his workplace. He is businessperson no more an artist. He doesn’t like business, but he likes the money. Eight long hours passes with greatest difficulty…
He reaches his home at 6:00. His life is without girl. He loves have one. He watches x rated movies. Fulfills his sensual desire. He is cloyed. He reads philosophical book, psychedelic novels… He is mad. Their face tells him, but not with word.
Milan Gurung (Freeman)
going through this passage i was amazed to see the events in very much detail. i don't know why meelan is using all these details. though smoking left over cigarette present in the shape of butts, watching x rated movies and having no girlfriends do create a pathetic scenario but it still shows the condition of more than a lot of nepalese youngsters.
then the guy is doing yoga and reading ULYSSES. hard to get why he is doing so? guess milan could answer this.
What an absurd writing... and what a iteresting one... keep on writing....
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